Announcement of the changes planned for the 1.32.0 update

Hello, survivors! We want to tell you about some of the planned changes that will appear in the game with the 1.32.0 update.

Balance changes

Relic weapons


- Blast damage reduced by 10%

- Reload time increased from 4 to 4.5 sec.

- Changed perk parameters. Now it charges for 8.5% per hit instead of 10%

Legendary weapons

Power drill:

- Durability decreased by 7.5%


- Durability decreased by 15%

- Direct damage decreased by 5%

- Changed perk parameters. Bonus to damage and charging speed decreased from 30% to 20%

Spark III:

- Magazine capacity decreased from 35 to 30


- Reload time increased from 6.2 to 6.8 sec.

- Reduced the height of camera lift


- Maximum distance between mines in a sequence decreased by 5%


- Direct damage increased by 5%

- Blast damage increased by 5%


- Changed perk parameters. Now fires a bomb every 6 shots instead of 8. The bomb detonates after 3 sec. instead of 5 sec.

Black death:

- Maximum range increased to 25 m.

- Damage increased by 5%


- Impulse upon hit significantly increased.

- Direct damage increased by 15%

- Blast damage reduced by 7.5%

- Changed perk parameters. The duration of rate of fire bonus increased to 15 sec.

Epic weapons


- Fixed a bug when dealing damage while aiming did not stack the enhancement effect.


- Damage increased by 50%

- Changed perk parameters. The boost bonus can now be gained by destroying a part that is heated up by at least 10%.

- Heating rate of enemy parts significantly reduced.


- Durability increased by 5%

- Changed perk parameters. Stack now accumulates every 0.6 sec. instead of 0.75 sec.


- Damage increased by 10%

- Barrel spooling speed increased by 25%


- Maximum range increased to 25 m.

Legendary cabins

Trump card:

- Changed perk parameters. It does not affect artillery now.


- Changed perk parameters. Maximum number of stacks increased to 20


- Power increased by 30%

Please note that all balance changes described in this news are relevant at the time of publication and may not be final or may not be implemented into the game at all. Certain additional changes, if necessary, may be made after the announcement.