Update 1.41.0

Battle pass, new season “Thirst for profit”!

Survivors, the new Battle pass “Thirst for profit” is here! There are 70 season rewards waiting for you, including:

 • Structural parts for your armoured car;

 • Access to the production of the legendary shotgun “Arothron”;

 • Access to the production of the legendary cabin “Machinist”;

 • Access to the production of the legendary module “Elite explosive ammo”;

 • Unique armoured car “Power press”;

 • New profile customization in the style of the new season.

Complete tasks and challenges, level up and collect rewards! 

Also, the access to production of the epic homing rocket “Trombone” and legendary guided rocket “ATGM Flute” will be opened while the Battle pass is active.

The Battle pass also includes a leaderboard where players compete according to their Battle pass level. Those who reach the maximum level by the end of the season will receive the most valuable rewards, including the legendary grenade launcher “Slaughterer”!

New seasonal pack “Compactor”

The new seasonal pack “Compactor” is now available for purchase in the in-game! 

The armoured vehicle is designed on the basis of the legendary cabin “Trump card”, armed with new rocket launchers “Nest” and equipped with the “Colossus” and “Chameleon Mk2” modules. “Compactor” is best used at long distance to deal significant damage. Thanks to high durability, tank tracks and the “Trump card” cabin, the armoured car can switch its position without losing firepower. The “Nest” rockets that did not hit the target leave mines in the area of attack, providing space for retreat or advance.

The pack is available in two versions — standard and deluxe.

New game mechanic: Enhancers.

The game has a new mechanic: Enhancers. You can get them as a reward for participating in various events. They will be available shortly in the Battle pass and for logging into the game every day.

There are two types of Enhancers:

• Increased experience for a battle

• Increased resources for a battle

Each type has 3 rarities: rare (blue), epic and legendary.

Only one Enhancer at a time can be active, and its effect lasts for 1 battle.

Other important changes

1. Added the ability to send special invitation messages to chats. With these messages you can easily invite people to join clans, groups and Custom battle lobbies. The mechanic works for all chats except private messages.

2. Revised the names of some parts: now their faction or functionality is better reflected in the names. List of changes:

• “Flash” renamed to “Flash I”

• “Windfall” renamed to “AM-5 Windfall”

• “Stillwind” renamed to “AC80 Stillwind”

• “Willow” renamed to “RFS-1 Willow”

• “TS-1 Horizon” renamed to Detector “TS-1 Horizon”

• “Aquilo” renamed to Radiator “Aquilo”

• “Unkill” renamed to Active defence “Unkill”

• “Averter” renamed to Defence module “Averter”

3. Explosive ammo pack modules repainted from purple to yellow.

4. Added “install cabin between frames” feature to Assembly master.

5. Assembly master is now included in the tutorial for new players.

6. Improved the interface of the co-driver selection and upgrading window.

7. Sphere animation added to the Active defence “Unkill” model.

8. Updated mission card interface, added a mission description menu.

Bug fixes

1. Fixed an error in the description of radar modules. Previously, it did not mention that radars show invisible enemies on the mini-map.

2. Improved the physical model of the “Bigfoot” and “Monster” wheels. Previously, these wheels could be mounted on one side of an armoured vehicle with no issue, but an overlap appeared when copying the installation symmetrically.

3. Fixed a bug that caused some players to remain on the Wasteland league leaderboard after a season change.

4. Fixed a bug that caused some projectiles to fly through mechanical legs without dealing damage.

5. Fixed an incomplete description of the “Retcher” perk. Added information that the longer a projectile flies, the higher its damage.

6. Fixed inaccurate description of the “Master” cabin perk: it previously said that only wheels do not restore durability, but in fact none of the movement parts do.

7. Improved description of the “Wunderbar” cabin perk. Previously, it was not clear that the explosion bonus applies when the cabin is destroyed or self-destructed.

8. Fixed a bug that caused modules to display first level parameter values at maximum upgrade level.

9. Fixed the reward display in the “Leaderboard” section of the Wasteland league.

10. Improved lighting in the garage and on the test-drive map.

11. Fixed a bug that caused two balloons instead of one to appear when first entering the test-drive map.

12. Fixed a bug that caused one of the attack buttons to be red when playing with “Hawk” drones. The button is now translucent yellow when no drone is summoned, and opaque yellow when there is at least one drone.

13. Fixed a bug that caused “Lucifer’s” amplified projectile to be blocked by player’s own “Nova” cabin shield.

14. Fixed a bug that caused shoot-through parts of an armoured car with the “Valkyrie” cabin to always take full damage.

15. Improved pathfinding for large-sized AI players. They are now less likely to get stuck on obstacles in non-combat situations.

16. Fixed the issue when an error about overlapping parts appeared when there was no such error in the build.

17. Fixed a bug that caused the shoot-through mechanic of the grilles to not work with damage from grenade launchers and flamethrowers. Now the damage is correctly reduced in all cases.

18. Improved the location of self-destruct zones on some maps.

19. Fixed a bug that caused four characters long clan tags to be shortened to three characters in chat.

Balance changes


1. Skadi: damage reduced by 10%, cooldown increased from 5 sec. to 6 sec.

2. Mandrake: now deals 45% less damage to movement parts instead of 30%

3. Morta: damage reduced by 5%

4. ZS-52 Mastodon: damage increased by 7.5%

5. Hive: damage increased by 12.5%

6. Thresher: damage reduced by 5%

7. Nagual: damage reduced by 5%

8. Draco: damage increased by 5%

9. Hammerfall: damage increased by 5%

10. General 88mm: damage increased by 10%

11. Pulsar: damage increased by 10%, durability increased by 5%

12. Jumbo: heating power reduced by 15%

13. Corvo: damage increased by 12.5%

14. AC72 Whirlwind: fire rate increased by 10%, damage increased by 7.5%

15. T5 Salamander: damage reduced by 5%

16. Argument: durability reduced by 10%

17. Junkbow: damage reduced by 5%

18. Caucasus: damage reduced by 7.5%

19. Aurora: damage increased by 12.5%

20. Kapkan: increased the mines blast radius to be larger than the mine activation radius.


1. Nova: barrier durability increased from 6000 to 8000 pts. Expanded the list of weapons that get a boost by firing through “Nova’s” shield.

2. Photon: increased the effectiveness of the perk.

3. Jannabi: increased the effectiveness of all perk parameters.

4. Mars: the amount of damage needed to activate the perk reduced from 10000 to 8500.

Movement parts

1. MUL-200: added perk: mechanical leg deals a small amount of damage on collision.

Comment: we received suggestions from players about adding this feature for the “MUL-200”. The motivation behind this change is to make mechanical legs more effective against armoured vehicles with wheels. We don’t expect it to drastically change the gameplay, this change is mainly experimental in nature. If the damage mechanics show good results, we’ll extend it to the rest of the mechanical legs.

In addition, one of the past updates fixed the error of displaying the wrong parameters for cabins, which basically increased the speed of many cabins and made builds with wheels too efficient in battles. That is why we plan a global change to the speed and power of cabins in one of the next updates to hopefully adjust the balance of movement parts.


1. Changed the perk parameters of “Yokozuna”, “Collapse” and “Whaler”: light armoured vehicles are now pushed back correctly. Previously, light armoured vehicles could be pushed off the map with these perks.

2. Made a global change to structural parts: changed all parts parameters except mass and damage resistances. Damage resistances depend on the faction, as before.

Most notable changes:

• Rarity is now the defining parameter for structural parts. Previously, the value of a part was mainly determined by its size. In the new system, a part of any size can be of any rarity.

• Power score now depends only on rarity. This means that all structural parts of the same rarity have the same power score value.

• All bumpers now add durability to the cabin. The less damage a bumper can deal, the more durability it adds to the cabin.

• Increased the amount of damage some parts let through to make grilles more effective. Also, the durability of grille parts significantly increased.

• Changed the rarity of some parts.


Changed active skills for co-drivers “Yuki”, “Hertz” and “R-Type”.


Charging and activation: the skill charges when the armoured car’s speed is higher than 50 km/h. The charge increases by 1% every 1 m. The charged skill activates after pressing the button.

Effect: upon activation, creates an energy field around the cabin of the armoured car. The field blocks projectiles of cannons, turret cannons, homing missile launchers, guided rocket launchers, grenade launchers, artillery, rocket launchers. Enemy vehicles, mines, turrets and drones in the 15 m radius take 300 damage every second. The energy field is active for 8 sec. Skill cooldown is 10 sec.

Comment: we decided to rework the active skill since it did not create any unique gameplay experience. In essence, the “Hertz” skill was a very simple and easy to use passive ability that works with any quick build and does not require the player to use any special tactics. Also, we decided to make “Hertz’s” shield more similar to other shields in the game. It now blocks the same projectiles as “Oculus”. The new skill will feel like an ultimate ability that requires conscious use and deepens the game experience when using this co-driver.


Charging and activation: the skill is activated if there is only one enemy within a 50 m radius.

Effect: while the skill is active, it adds +10% to damage and +25% to rate of fire. Damage to movement parts is additionally increased by 10%. Applies a mark on the nearest enemy.

R-Type 52

Charging and activation: the more activated turrets or drones the driver has, the faster the skill is charged. The charged skill can be activated by pressing the button.

Effect: upon activation, all active drones and turrets regain 50% durability and are enhanced. The enhanced drones and turrets have increased rate of fire by +50% and damage by +50%. The enhancement lasts for 8 sec., after which the skill takes 8 sec. to recharge.