Update 1.42.0

Temporary event — return of the Ravens!

The Ravens, led by Stevo, will visit the Wasteland again. They brought a new curious weapon with them: the “Jormungandr” single-shot shotgun! 

“Jormungandr” fires in powerful bursts of pellets, deadly at close range. Upon activating the perk, the shotgun fires faster and adds a fiery burst to each shot, making it even more dangerous!

As before, the Ravens have a lot of available challenges, and they pay well for their completion with their unique currency — Crosscrowns. You can purchase various decorations for your armoured car and profile, like the “Raven’s flight” hologram and “A flock of ravens” horn, as well as “Rumble”, “Flash I”, “Reaper” weapons and other parts in the Ravens store.

Hurry up and get all the rewards — Ravens will leave the Wasteland in 2 weeks, on April 3!

New temporary game mode “PvE: Raid” 

Attention, survivors! Renegades from among the Steppenwolfs have taken over the Substation! Their armored vehicles are heavily armed and have radars! We need your help!

Your goal is to collect resource containers and evacuate before the mission time ends. The reward depends on the number of containers evacuated by the team. One player can collect a maximum of 8 containers. Points of interest are guarded by the enemy. If a player’s armoured car is destroyed, they will lose most of the reward.

The new mission will be available to players from March 20 to March 30. Lower limit on the armoured vehicle power score is 8000. There is also a restriction on the use of Walker’s weapons, any artillery, catapult “Incinerator”, minelayer “Jubokko”, co-drivers and invisibility modules.

Universal currency 

Survivors! A universal currency is now introduced into the game. From now on, purchases of packs containing Titanium, Crosscrowns, X-chips, Mercenary keys, as well as packs in temporary events will be made with the special currency: Shards.

Shards are a permanent currency that can be purchased regardless of which event is currently active.

New seasonal pack “Aggressor”

The new seasonal pack “Aggressor” is now available for purchase in the in-game store! 

The battle walker is designed on the basis of the legendary cabin “Hadron”, armed with the “Waltz” rocket launchers and equipped with the “Colossus” and “Aquilo” modules. Thanks to the new mechanical legs “RL-M Dino”, the battle walker has a new type of maneuver available to it: jumping. “Aggressor” can get over the obstacles, make use of unusual angles of attack and quickly avoid fire, leaving the enemy surprised.

The pack is available in two versions — standard and deluxe.

Other important changes

1. Changed the type for the “Muramasa” weapon. Previously, the weapon was allocated to a special type “Rocket launcher — minelayer”; it was decided to add it to the general type “Rocket launchers”.

2. You can now participate in the “Boltology”, “Mayhem”, “Lady Luck”, “Farce”, “Careful, it's fragile!”, and “Insanity” brawls in groups of up to four players.

3. Added a search button to the parts storage. 

4. The available build height for the armoured car has been reduced from 30 pins to 25 pins. For the Leviathan, from 40 pins to 30 pins. This change is intended to weaken the popular “multi-level” builds. This build allows for an unreasonable advantage and is against the spirit of the game.

5. Added a new award to the list of clan rewards: clan emblems.

6. Added the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 22nd seasons of Battle Passes to the Battle Pass Vault.

7. Added a button to the Clans window and to the Clan battles mission window that allows you to automatically join a suitable clan.

8. Added a new enhancer that allows you to reduce the time it takes to produce parts. The enhancer is available only in the rare (blue) rarity for the moment.

9. Changed the position of the respawn point for one of the teams on the “Polar Volcano” map.

Bug fixes

1. Fixed the maximum range value in the “Nest” artillery parameters description.

2. Fixed a bug that caused mechanical legs to slow down while moving on sloping surfaces.

3. Fixed a bug that caused bots to not self-destruct when outside the game zone.

4. Corrected the self-destruct zones for the “Lair of the Firestarters” map.

5. Fixed the text of the error about the inability to join a clan if a player is already a member of another clan.

6. Fixed a bug that caused the “Cohort” drones to self-destruct over time.

7. Fixed a mistake with the faction affiliation of the “Cannoneer”: now it belongs to the Dynasty faction.

8. Fixed a bug that caused the visual effect of the “Morta” plasma cannon’s lightning bolts to disappear.

9. Fixed a bug that caused the “Valkyrie” cabin ricochet effect to be enabled on placed turrets and drones.

Balance Changes


ZS-52 Mastodon:

-Horizontal and vertical spread reduced from 2.8° to 2°

-Durability reduced from 8250 to 7530 pts.

Comment: We reduced the durability of the “ZS-52 Mastodon”, as its high survivability allowed it to be used too effectively in melee combat. Since “ZS-52 Mastodon” is designed for medium and long range combat, these changes will help it better fit its role as a turret cannon.


-Horizontal and vertical spread increased from 1.5° to 3°

Comment: We increased the spread of the “Rumble”, as its high accuracy made it too effective at long range and created competition with existing sniper weapons. This change will help maintain a balance between the different weapon classes.


-Direct damage reduced by 5%

-Fire puddle damage increased from 66 to 80 pts. per sec.

Comment: the high damage of the “Firebug” allowed it to destroy armoured vehicles with light cabins in a single volley. The redistribution of direct damage and fire puddle damage is aimed at making the flamethrower more effective in long battles and requiring players to be strategic.


-Freezing speed reduced from 10% to 5% per hit.

-Damage reduced by 7.5%.


-Reload time increased from 4.5 to 5 sec.

-Damage reduced by 5%


-Reload time increased from 4.5 to 5 sec.


-Damage reduced by 5%

-Reduced piercing damage efficiency for each subsequent part.


-Damage reduced by 7.5%


-Reload time reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 sec.

-Projectile speed increased from 400 to 450 m/sec.

-Rate of fire increased by 10%

Black death:

-Heating per shot increased from 2.66% to 4%


-Blast damage increased by 10%


-Reload time reduced from 7 to 4.5 sec.

-Changed perk parameters. The reload time is now reduced by 0.5 sec. for each hit.


-Mass reduced from 540 to 380 kg.

-Heating increased from 1% to 2% for a hit.


-Blast damage increased by 5%

-Explosion radius increased from 1.25 to 1.75 m.

General 88mm:

-Blast damage increased by 5%

-Explosion radius increased from 1.5 to 2 m.


-Blast damage increased by 15%

-Reload time increased from 2 to 3 sec.

-Changed perk parameters. The projectile is now amplified in 2 sec. of waiting after reloading.


Elite explosive ammo:

-Projectile explosion radius bonus no longer applies to artillery.

Movement parts:


-Maximum speed increased from 50 to 55 km/h.

-Tonnage increased from 380 to 440 kg.

-Durability increased from 1166 to 1440 pts.

Icarus VII:

-Tonnage increased from 400 to 460 kg.

-Durability increased from 1272 to 1520 pts.



-Fire puddles damage at maximum co-driver level reduced from 370 to 320 pts.